Small Talk is Big Business!

Small Talk is Big Business!

One of the most important skills in life and work is to be a good conversationalist, but that isn't something that comes easy to all of us!  I once read (ok, let's be honest- I listened to it because I drive back and forth to work an hour each way every day) a book by Susan RoAne called "How to Work a Room- The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections- in Person and Online" in which she mentions the importance of "small talk."  Small talk has a negative connotation, but in truth it is a super valuable way to connect with someone!  We can't just jump right into politics, religion, marriage, children and the most important issues that move us to tears- people would RUN to anywhere but directly across from us and our desperate attempt at conversation.  Small talk is GOLDEN.  It is a way to start a conversation with someone.  And the only way to continue a conversation, to make a lasting and meaningful connection with someone, is to first find some common ground around innocent topics.  Michale Korda is quoted in RoAne’s book saying, "Large talk is for business negotiations, medical matters, things that involve money, health, life, the law...Small talk should intrigue, delight, amuse, and fill up time pleasantly."  Small talk is an ART FORM and one of the sneaky little consequences of playing a game of Click is that, as a host, you create a beautiful cacophony of new connections, a room buzzing with intriguing, delightful and amusing conversations.  YOU are the conductor of budding relationships. YOU create meaningful, in person, human connections and there just isn't anything in this world more important than that!  Here are some fun questions to use next time you find yourself across from a stranger and (although weather is a perfectly good way to start a conversation) you want to talk about something other than the weather:

Ten super fun conversation starters:
1- What's the story about the most ridiculous way you've ever hurt yourself?
2- Tell a story of a time when you talked or cried your way out of a speeding ticket or parking violation.
3- Share a story of something really stupid you did as a child that you got in trouble for.
4- What was the funniest or most embarrassing Halloween costume you ever wore as a child?  Tell me the story behind it!
5- Share a time when you and your friends came up with a hair-brained idea as a kid or teen that didn't really pan out...
6- What's a crazy experience you have had at a restaurant?
7- What is a family tradition you have now or had as a child that makes you smile?
8- What is a story that your closest friends and family love to tell about you?
9- What is the story behind your name?
10- Share a story about a weird relative and what makes them "unique."
These are also perfect "Question of the Game" questions for your Click Mystery Party!  To host your own Click Mystery Party for your corporate team-building event, chamber of commerce, community organization or school setting, visit or email !  We can't wait to make you the hero of your next gathering!
Reference: RoAne, Susan. How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Making Lasting Connections- in Person and Online.  New York: HarperCollins, 2014.
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